Saturday, April 28, 2007

Samsung bullish on global semiconductor industry for 2006

The article” Samsung bullish on global semiconductor industry for 2006” appeared on The Mercury on March 11th, 2006. In the article, Hwang Chang-gyu, president of Samsung Electronics Co. predicts that there will be increased demand for chips used in digital devices and personal computers. The demand of Nand chips, due to their ability to store data even when switched off, increased dramatically since the release of Apple’s computer Inc.’s iPod nano. Nand chip is widely used in consumer electronics such as MP3 players and digital Camera. According to Hwang, the market for Nand chips will rise 22 percent in 2006.Samsung also unveiled the PRAM, a new type of memory chip that allows devices to work faster by saving new data about 30 times faster than conventional flash memory. Samsung claims that the release of Windows Vista Operating system early next year will boost the demand of their DRAM, a memory chip that is commonly used for memory storage in personal computers.

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