Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Apple says no serious labor violations at China iPod factory

The article" Apple says no serious labor violations at China iPod factory" appeared on The Mercury on March 21, 2007. In the article, a British newspaper reported that workers at a Chinese iPod factory were exceeding the company's limits on working hours and days per week. The report also states that workers were paid as little as $50 a month and living in unsuitable conditions at three offsite leased dormitories that were former factories. However, the probe found the workers were paid at least the minimum wage, with more than half earing more htan minimum wage, which is about 800yuan($100) a month is Southern China. Apple Inc. responded that they found no evidence of the use of child labor or any form of forced labor. While they have launched a manager and employee training programs to prvent any violations of its code of conduct. Apple states that they will also acquire more land to build more dormitories on the factory premises. Verite, and international consutant on workplace standards, will continue to monitor conditions at the factory.